"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Adventures Are Usually Scary

If we dig down deep into our hidden truths, most of us would admit we want to live an adventurous life.  Our ideas of what adventure means is individually unique, but the common thread that binds all adventure together is that of risk.  To live an adventurous life is to take these risks.  Risks often live on the same street as fear, and because of this many never venture into that neighborhood that has to be crossed to get to true adventure.  

Now, my students, I don't mean risks that are truly dangerous or break the law or even break the rules.  The risks of which I write involve befriending the outcast at lunch even though it might make you a target, writing that scholarship essay when you don't think you've got a 1 in a billion chance of winning, going out for chorus when you've only sung into a hairbrush in your closet, talking to that new transfer student even though you're scared silly to, sending in your book manuscript to a publisher and hoping they'll look at the writings of a teenager...                    

Adventure isn't easy - it's the rockier road (makes me think of ice cream =).  It's taking the path that isn't completely visible.  You don't know where it will take you exactly, but you have an idea...  You could be completely wrong, but the thing is, if you don't go you will never know.  Taking a step of faith on an unknown trail is the start to adventure.  You've got to get up out of your comfortable life of ordinary and do something that scares you - that's risky; adventure will follow.  Adventure will be the journey that you take.

So, dear students, carpe diem (seize the day) and live the adventure God has in store.

Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Even when you're the age of your "old" teacher, risks will be scary.  But the adventure is almost always worth that chance.  It's a risk worth taking.