"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Welcome to Ms. Dawn's Writing Class!

Hello there!  I'm so glad you stopped by!  Welcome to the home of Ms. Dawn's 5th grade writing class.  Here you will find loads of helpful information and tips on...writing (of course).  Writing is a personal passion of mine and I love to share it with my students.  We've got some fabulously talented writers this year, and we hope to break our school's 6 curse.  It is our 5th grade goal to have, not only the first 6, but a true multitude of sixes on the writing assessment in February.  So, let's dig deep, dear writers, sharpen those pencils, and get busy!

Ms. Dawn    


lekendre taylor said...

This website is great!It is only 17 days to T-CAP!I am going to do my best on any test that comes my way

LeKendre Taylor

demonte miller said...

hey ms dawn does Shakesphre have children because i can take the fame. Demonte Miller

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Thanks, LeKendre {AKA: $money$}! I know you will do well on TCAP! 17 days and counting...
Your Teacher,
Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Doing well on tests, and in school in general, will help you make that dough {$$$} when you grow up. Remember, $ isn't everything - it shouldn't be your main goal. I think you're going to do something very special with your life... something that will really matter and help others. Can't wait to see what your future will bring! =)

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Demonte,

Thanks for your comment! To answer your question, yes, Shakespeare was a dad. He had 3 children with his wife Anne Hathaway {not the "Princess Diaries" actress with the same name, of course}. Susanna Shakespeare was the oldest and then there were twins, Hamnet and Judith {How'd you like the name Hamnet? Eeek!}.
What did you mean by you could "take the fame?" Do you think you could be related to him or something? =) You have a better chance of being related to a very famous American playwright named Arthur Miller (1915-2005), who won the Pulitzer Prize for his writing.

Your Teacher,
Ms. Dawn


nice website sooooo!!! cool [LOVE] TURN UP] [LOL HA HA HA WRITING IS A BLAST!!!!!!!!!!



{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear LaKendrea {AKA: K~BBY},

Thanks! Your comment meant a lot to me!!! Whether you know it or not, teachers often never get to see or know the difference they've made... the students move to the next grade and exit our lives and we can just hope and pray that we made a difference. I hope that when you go to 6th, that though you will exit OKES, you won't exit my life, and that I'll still be in touch if you want! Keep doing your best, too!

Your Teacher,
Ms. D.

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear TCAP Destroyer,

Thanks! I know you will do your utmost in this world and rock it... and to quote Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and [you],/[You] took the one less traveled by,/And that [will make] all the difference."

Love Your Teacher,
Ms. Dawn

Javier Favors said...

hey mamma,today i had a wonderful time in your class .i was wondering if you were going to put some of your most fabulous writings on your website. That would be good be props for the students.I love you momma.

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Son,

I agree! I was planning to do that, but I have to get a letter of permission ready for your parents - for them to OK that your name can appear online. I'll get right on that. Love you, too, writing son!!!

Love Your Momma,
Ms. Dawn

Marietta Song said...

Hi,Miss Dawn!!!!!!!!!!!It's me,Marietta!!!!!Thank you for those pictures you gave me and the treats you gave during lunch!!See you tomorrow!!

Kona-Chan said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!!!It's me,Marietta!!!Yay,it's friday!!!I gonna study for the TCAP Test.I don't want to study.I have one question,Miss Dawn.Is there gonna be writing on TCAP?

Kensha Aka Silly Putt Aka Laffy Taffy Aka Sha said...

Heyy Ms.Dawn Aka Ms.D I Dont Wnt Tooo Goo Yett