"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Oh No, I Forgot...

I forgot one of the spices!  Never in a million years would I think I would forget hyperbole!  =) That was just an example of the spice I forgot!

8. Hyperbole: an extreme exaggeration
example: After finishing my school essay, my arm was hanging by a thread - so much writing!  

Love the Forgetful,
Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Tomorrow's 12-12-12.  Surely a day worth writing about.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Writing Spices Review

Okay, so it's been a long time since you sat in my classroom & were surrounded by the writing spices.  So let's review.  Remember, using the writing spices all throughout middle, high school, college...forever =) will impress your teachers, make you sound intelligent, &, most importantly, make you a better writer!  

Here they are...

1. Simile: comparing two things with the word "like" or "as"
example: He's as old as a dinosaur!  Her heart beat like a drum.  

2. Alliteration: 3 or more words with the same beginning sound in a sentence or poem
example: Silvery skates slid across the sacred ice pond. 

3. Personification: giving human qualities to nonhuman things {this is my favorite spice}  
example: The wind sighed through the lonely cave.  

4. Million Dollar Words: "fancy" words that certainly aren't dead (overused)
example: The azure skies were peppered with dark loathsome clouds that seemed to chant, "Rain is on the way."

5. Dialogue: words spoken out loud by a character (or characters) in a story, with quotation marks placed around the spoken part - this should be sprinkled on, not poured
example: Lyla proclaimed, "There's the yellow spotted magenta butterfly!  Catch it, Hans!"

6. Metaphor: comparing things without "like" or "as"
example: The lake is a shining mirror and my canoe cuts through it with ease.  

7. Onomatopoeia: words that sound like the actual sound they are describing
example: It was a summer when the bees buzzed over the flowers constantly.

Spice up your writing!

Ms. Dawn

Monday, November 26, 2012

Are You Still Writers?

Hello out there in the great big, wide world of sixth grade!  

I'm here to ask you: Are you still writers?  If for a moment words sparked your excitement last year, do they still sizzle like tiny fireworks on the page, or have they merely fizzled out?  Do you let your pencil dance upon the edge of your notebook with poems & unusual characters' names scribbled in all directions (no compass in sight)?  Have you given a happy sigh when a writing assignment has come your way, or was it a loathsome groan instead?  Do you still remember azure & zephyr?  Can you recognize a portrait of Shakespeare or do you still confuse him with George Washington?  Have you plopped down & written a play lately?  Do strong words from the narrative of your own story still move you to tears?  (I hope so.  There's healing in that - & we all need that at times.)  Has the definition of personification been lost, or is it still there sitting comfortably in your memory?  Do you know the precious power you possess when you hold a pencil in your hand?  
Never forget - no matter your answers to the questions here - that you are a writer.

Love Always,
Ms. Dawn
your writing teacher

P.S.: Can you pick out the spices?


So sorry I haven't been on here in a while!  I've not forgotten about you, dear students!
How could I ever possibly forget!  You're in my heart forever!

Ms. Dawn

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ms. Dawn Misses You All


What's missing?

Hope middle school is treating you well!  Remember you are all amazing!  I'm here if you need me!

Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Keep writing!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Middle School Survival Guide {Part 4: Academics}

Most of you are right smack dab in the middle of your first week of sixth grade!  How’s it going so far?  I miss you all!  Today I’m going to hand you some academic tips & tricks straight from a teacher & fellow sixth grade survivor: me!

-Take notes!  This is a practice you will be taking all the way into college life.  Sometimes teachers will ask or recommend that you take notes, other times they won’t – however, if they haven’t said not to, it’s a good idea to whip out the old spiral-bound & pencil & jot down some thoughts from what they’re teaching, especially if it’s a tricky or problem area for you.  You can even doodle small images that will help you remember certain formulas, etc. in addition to writing down things.  Just make sure your notes don’t turn into a doodle fest!  Make it about what your teacher is teaching.
-Keep an agenda!  Don’t lose track of project due dates, homework deadlines, etc. & harm your grades.  Keep up with assignment dates & other key appointments in a calendar or agenda mate.  It’s your job to be a responsible middle schooler & keep track & up-to-date.
-Ask!  If you are struggling in a subject or with a certain topic of study, ask questions.  If you feel nervous about asking something in class, find some time right after class when everyone’s leaving {or some other time that’s free or leave a note on their desk signed} to talk to your teacher & let them know you’re struggling.  Believe me, teachers aren’t always aware of a student’s struggle until she/he voices it.  The teacher can provide you with extra help or other resources, and, most importantly, the teacher knows you want to do better and are willing to do your part for your education.
-Don’t procrastinate!  Do you know what it means to procrastinate?  We all do it sometimes – it means to put something off until the last minute.  Oh, I used to be really bad at this!  Learn from my mistake & don’t start procrastinating!  So many times I would put off a school project & find myself up all night the night before an assignment was due – it wasn’t sleepover ‘awake-all-night fun,’ it was sleepless agony as I tried to whip up a fabulous project that should have taken at least four days in one miserable night that usually ended in tears or accidently gluing your head to Mount Rushmore.  Yikes!  When you are assigned a project, jot the date down in your agenda, & then begin working on it in steps each day until it is finished with time to spare.  It will be a lot less stressful & better done!

Remember to do your personal best!  That's all you can do & all you need to do!  I truly do think you're great!

Ms. Dawn 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Middle School Survival Guide {Part 3: Style}

Most of you will be donning school uniforms daily.  You may think there's no way to personalize your look & show your individual style, but where there's a will there's a way. Be sure to check with your school dress/uniform code first to make sure you're not breaking any rules.

Style Tips {Girls}:
-add jewelry {unique bracelets, necklaces, & earrings can really make a statement}
-add hair accessories or style your hair in a special way
-use a long scarf as a belt
-wear colorful tights or leggings

Style Tips {Guys}:
-tie on a smart-looking necktie
-match your shoe color to another article of clothing (such as a belt or tie)
-get a nice haircut

Style Tips {For All}:
-add fun key chains, pins/badges, etc. to your backpack
-add fun socks or footwear 
-try a bold belt

I used to love to pick out my first day of school outfit, even when I was wearing a uniform!  You can still be unique in a sea of identically colored polo shirts, just use the tips & come up with some of your own!

Ms. Dawn

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Middle School Survival Guide {Part 2: Friends}

Sixth grade is brand new territory.  All your peeps from elementary won't necessarily be headed to the same middle school as you.  This can be totally bittersweet (a bit sad / a bit happy).  Don't worry, BFFs are just waiting to be made wherever you go this fall!  

Here's some helpful friendship tips:
-Be yourself!  You don't want to hang out with someone whom you can't be you around!  Be who you are from the start & you won't have to worry about that.  Real friends like the real you!  Remember that Shakespeare quote?  "To thine own self be true."  Believe it & live it!
-Smile!  People that smile are like magnets - people want to be are them.  Flash your best smile & brighten someone's day; you may gain a friend in the process!
-Hang with the right crowd!  In middle school you can start to really feel the pressure - peer pressure, that is.  Peer pressure is where you feel pressured by people in your age group (those are your peers, & no they don't have to be your exact age to be your peers, just in the ballpark) to act a certain way, do certain things, etc.  You may feel pressure to hang out with the popular, yet not-so-nice, crowd.  Don't do it!  These guys may act like your besties now & turn on you later.  If people are doing things you know aren't right, don't seek out their friendship - in fact, avoid 'em like nasty mystery meat surprise!
-Speak!  This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is often hard when you are new & trying to get adjusted yourself to speak to other newbies.  However, this is one of the best ways to make friends.  Say "hello" to someone who looks like good friend material or someone who looks like they just need a friend.  Chat with a locker neighbor about what they did over the summer or even ask a fellow student (peer) for directions to a class (this can start up conversation).  I met one of my best high school friends by simply inviting them to eat lunch with me in the cafeteria, & the rest, as they say, is history! 
-Be friendly!  Being friendly is another magnetic move!  People want to be friends with friendly people.  Don't make jokes at anyone's expense or laugh at others' mean jokes, even when peer pressure weighs down on you something heavy!  Befriend those who seem to be friendless - these can be some of the most rewarding of friendships... & never ever bully!  

Love & Forever Friendship,
Ms. Dawn

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Middle School Survival Guide {Part 1: The Locker}

I can't believe it's almost school time again! I can literally hear your groans. Yep, I feel your pain. =) But, you have to gain knowledge to go places in this world, so it's not so bad. Really. One day you'll even be thankful for it!  Really.  Can you believe it - in a few weeks, you're about to become an official, true blue {no, true azure (Remember that word?)} middle school-er!  Does that factoid excite you, scare you silly, make you wish you'd failed 5th grade, make you wish that wonderful 1st day was tomorrow or 100 years from now, or a bit of all those emotions rolled into one?  Believe me, it's completely & totally normal to be jittery, hopeful, & scared all at once!  That's how I was.  Sixth grade was my favorite year of middle school!  It was an amazing time to find my independence & discover/explore things I was good at.  I hope it will be an amazing time for you, too!  That's why I'm creating this Survival Guide, so you'll have a head start to a fantastic 1st year of middle school!  

In middle school you get your first ever locker & it's pretty exciting to have your own small personal space at school.  I used to think of it as my 'school closet.'  Some lockers are stacked (one on top - one on bottom), & some take up the whole section (sorta floor to ceiling models), also, some have built in combination locks & others have to have a removable combination lock, but both unlock the same way.  

How to open your locker...  No, 'open sesame' won't work. =)


Decorating Your Locker

Okay, so the locker above may be a dream locker.  Your locker, in reality, will likely look more like this...

But hey, don't worry! You can turn a blah locker into a mini home-sweet-home with a few decorative touches.  Here's some ideas for ya...

Use scrapbook paper, photos, pages from magazines, &/or wrapping paper to cover the inside of your locker.  Instant "wall paper" - just add tape!  I did this in high school using loads of magazine pictures!

Wash out a soup can, cover the edges with felt or fabric (note: the top edge may be sharp), & then embellish to your heart's content.  Add a strong magnet on the back for a locker-friendly pencil/supply cup.  These are oh-so-handy + the tin can is magnetic, too, so you could add tiny magnets & notes directly to the pencil cup.

Create places to clip important notes, deadlines, & (of course) photos by decorating clothes pins & adding a magnetic strip to the back!  So easy!

Turn old bottle caps (plastic caps from soda or water bottles work, too) into artsy magnets.  Just decorate with paint or a picture & add a strong magnet to the back.

Remove the sticker labels from a bottle of hand sanitizer & add your own stickers, ribbon, paint, Sharpies, etc.  Perfect for storing in your locker & keeping the germs away in between classes.

More Items You Might Just Want to Have in Your Locker:
-plenty of supplies (paper, pencils, pens, etc.)
-a mini calendar (to keep track of your schedule)
-a dry erase board (for important memos & such)
-a magnetic mirror (for a quick check in between classes)
-a mini hair brush
-snack (make sure it's nothing that will rot, stink, or make a mess=)
-air freshener (You know those little decorative papers you can get at the department store to spray a sample of perfume on?  I punched a hole through one of those, laced some ribbon through, & spritzed it heavily in a fancy perfume & hung that in my locker.) 

Final Advice:
Make sure to keep your locker safe by never giving your combination to anyone.  One way to keep it secret is to write it down in an alphabet code until you have it memorized.  For example, 2, 18, 20 would be B, R, T because B is the 2nd letter of the alphabet, R is the 18th, & T is the 20th.  When leaving your locker, spin the dial once or so & try to open the locker to make sure it is locked.  Lastly, make your locker your own.  Add your own personal touch through photos, posters, even something small/inexpensive from home that represents you like a little figurine, photo frame, or trinket. 

Ms. D.

Do you know I was walking through Walmart the other day & stumbled upon a locker chandelier!  It actually lit up & everything!  So cute!  I wished they'd had that when I was in school!  

(All photos are via Pinterest.)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Reads

Hey, long time no see!  Hope your summer days are sizzling with adventure!  If not (or even if they are) why not get swept up in a good read?  

I vividly remember purchasing two books at my 6th grade book fair (Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine (years before the movie ever came out) & A Girl Named Disaster by Nancy Farmer).  These 2 book purchases were a turning point in my love of reading.  Sure, I had always enjoyed books, but this was something different.  I felt like I was actually there in the two characters' worlds.  I couldn't put the stories down & when I was finished I was sorry the magic was over.  The beauty of that 6th grade memory is that the 'magic' wasn't gone, it was just beginning, as I found more & more books to take me on fabulous adventures & even cause me to laugh out loud or cry at times.  

Many of you may be scratching your head thinking, "Come on Ms. D., we know you're book/writing crazy, but that'll never be me!"  I truly believe it can be you!  You just haven't found the right book yet!  The perfect book will fuel your reading passion & you won't be able to get enough, just like my 2 book fair finds.  So, think about what you like already, be it basketball, music, dance, art, theater, football, manga, comics... & then look for a book about your passion.  Remember, appearances aren't always what they seem.  In other words, "Don't judge a book by its cover."  There's a perfect book someone out there waiting for you!  Go find it!  

You can't avoid reading forever!  Click here for Hamilton County's 6th grade summer reading list!  Be sure to check with your particular middle school to see if there are any additional books you need to read over the summer.  Click here to visit the Hamilton County Library site to search for books!   

Now, here's some of my favorite summer picks... 
{NOTE: These aren't on your reading list, they're just some of my personal favorite summer reads.  Ms. Dawn approved!}

Ms. Dawn's Summer Picks


Ms. D.

P.S.: Yes, that's my skateboard. =)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Announcing A Girl's Writing Contest + New Movie News

Well, it's about one week into summer...  How's it going so far?  I've been able to relax a little, shop {which I must admit I enjoy way too much}, read, play hide-&-seek / trains with my nephew, craft {i.e.: make stuff}, & clean up around my apartment.  How about you?

The main reason I'm writing today, is to let all the girls in on a writing contest & to let you all in on a new movie coming out this summer called Brave.  Check out a couple of previews...

I'm excited about it since it's set in my favorite place: Scotland.  Merida looks like a fresh & spunky character, which leads me to the contest!  Sorry guys, this one's just for the girls!  

Here's the contest info:
-write a story about a time when you were brave
-it must have 500 words or less
-the deadline is June 9, 2012 @ 11:59 PM
-the contest is open to all girls living in the USA that are ages 7-13   
-there will be one 1st place winner that will get a fancy prize pack packed with Brave goodies
-10 runners-up will win a copy of Brave the chapter book based on the movie
-all winners will be featured in the oh-so-fabulous magazine Discovery Girls
-you must submit your entry online at this site {click me}

Happy summer!  I hope some of you girls will enter the contest!  You just might be published in a major magazine! =) Here's hoping!

Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Here's a couple of pictures I took when I traveled to Scotland.  They sort of remind me of the castle in the previews.

-Urquhart Castle ruins on the banks of Loch Ness-

Friday, May 18, 2012

Goodbye Elementary School...

Memories are made of this...

seniors welcome

morning meetings

Paradise Library

Wish it... dream it... you did it!  Keep going & do it again (8th) & again (12th) & again (college)!

Valentine's Day "Chocolate" Poems

Black History Month

'go fishing' on our writing wall - 'Give a man a fish & he'll eat for a day.  Teach a man to fish & he'll eat for a lifetime.'

$million & $$billion dollar words on our Word Wall

hyperbole of the year - "I've told you a million times!"

Congrats to our graduates!!!
Love you always & forever!!!

-Ms. D.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Postcards From Verona

Verona, Italy is the setting of William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet.  Today, you can still visit the fair city.  Take a peek...

Valentine's Day in Verona

You can even write a letter to Juliet and stick it on the wall of her 'house' in Verona.  She might even write back, as some Italian ladies still answer the letters sent to Shakespeare's famous character each year.  In 2010, a film called Letters to Juliet came out about the mysterious letter-writing secretaries of Verona and their many stories.   

These wedding locks with couple's names written on them represent eternal love, locked up, and lasting forever. 

the Juliet statue in Verona

'Juliet's House' - Don't you just love the balcony?

Ms. Dawn

P.S.: "Dear Juliet" translated in Italian is "Cara Giulietta."  Each year on Valentine's Day in Verona they present "Cara Giulietta" awards to the most romantic heart-wrenching letters received the previous year. 

{all images via Pinterest}