"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Middle School Survival Guide {Part 2: Friends}

Sixth grade is brand new territory.  All your peeps from elementary won't necessarily be headed to the same middle school as you.  This can be totally bittersweet (a bit sad / a bit happy).  Don't worry, BFFs are just waiting to be made wherever you go this fall!  

Here's some helpful friendship tips:
-Be yourself!  You don't want to hang out with someone whom you can't be you around!  Be who you are from the start & you won't have to worry about that.  Real friends like the real you!  Remember that Shakespeare quote?  "To thine own self be true."  Believe it & live it!
-Smile!  People that smile are like magnets - people want to be are them.  Flash your best smile & brighten someone's day; you may gain a friend in the process!
-Hang with the right crowd!  In middle school you can start to really feel the pressure - peer pressure, that is.  Peer pressure is where you feel pressured by people in your age group (those are your peers, & no they don't have to be your exact age to be your peers, just in the ballpark) to act a certain way, do certain things, etc.  You may feel pressure to hang out with the popular, yet not-so-nice, crowd.  Don't do it!  These guys may act like your besties now & turn on you later.  If people are doing things you know aren't right, don't seek out their friendship - in fact, avoid 'em like nasty mystery meat surprise!
-Speak!  This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is often hard when you are new & trying to get adjusted yourself to speak to other newbies.  However, this is one of the best ways to make friends.  Say "hello" to someone who looks like good friend material or someone who looks like they just need a friend.  Chat with a locker neighbor about what they did over the summer or even ask a fellow student (peer) for directions to a class (this can start up conversation).  I met one of my best high school friends by simply inviting them to eat lunch with me in the cafeteria, & the rest, as they say, is history! 
-Be friendly!  Being friendly is another magnetic move!  People want to be friends with friendly people.  Don't make jokes at anyone's expense or laugh at others' mean jokes, even when peer pressure weighs down on you something heavy!  Befriend those who seem to be friendless - these can be some of the most rewarding of friendships... & never ever bully!  

Love & Forever Friendship,
Ms. Dawn


Kona-Chan said...

Miss Dawn!!!When do you meet your teacher and the first day of school?

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Kona-Chan,

Okay, so I researched this for ya - the 1st day of school is Aug. 13th & I know for certain you'll meet your teachers then. I don't have a teaching position this year yet, so I'm sorta out of the loop on all the information. I know you'll do great! Just be you! Let me know how your 1st day goes, too! If you ever need me, just leave me a message on here! =)

Ms. Dawn