"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Twas the Day of the Writing Assessment...

And all through the class, not a student was stirring, not even for a hall pass.
All the pencils were sharpened - #2s in their spot,
In hopes that each writer would make a narrative spicy hot.

The ideas were snuggled deep in each mind,
Waiting for the timer to start and the inspiration to seep onto the lines.
The eraser caps in place for editing mistakes,
"Reread your paper," Ms. Dawn announced, "so I don't get on your case!"

Each writer smiled and knew, Ms. Dawn believed in them - her hugs were an easy clue. 
Fours, fives, and sixes all around!  It's time to show what you know and make yourself proud!
Love you all!  You can do this!  Best of luck!  Shine!

Ms. Dawn


Marietta said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!!!I have one question.Did you get our writing tests yet?I want to know did I got a 6.

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Marietta {The Song Dynasty Girl ;)},

No, I haven't got your tests back yet. I guess the little elderly ladies are still busy grading them! =) I'm nervous about seeing what you all made, too. As soon as I know, I'll let everybody know.

Your Teacher,
Ms. Dawn

Kona-Chan said...

Miss Dawn!!!!!!!!!Do you got our writing tests yet?