"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Monday, May 28, 2012

Announcing A Girl's Writing Contest + New Movie News

Well, it's about one week into summer...  How's it going so far?  I've been able to relax a little, shop {which I must admit I enjoy way too much}, read, play hide-&-seek / trains with my nephew, craft {i.e.: make stuff}, & clean up around my apartment.  How about you?

The main reason I'm writing today, is to let all the girls in on a writing contest & to let you all in on a new movie coming out this summer called Brave.  Check out a couple of previews...

I'm excited about it since it's set in my favorite place: Scotland.  Merida looks like a fresh & spunky character, which leads me to the contest!  Sorry guys, this one's just for the girls!  

Here's the contest info:
-write a story about a time when you were brave
-it must have 500 words or less
-the deadline is June 9, 2012 @ 11:59 PM
-the contest is open to all girls living in the USA that are ages 7-13   
-there will be one 1st place winner that will get a fancy prize pack packed with Brave goodies
-10 runners-up will win a copy of Brave the chapter book based on the movie
-all winners will be featured in the oh-so-fabulous magazine Discovery Girls
-you must submit your entry online at this site {click me}

Happy summer!  I hope some of you girls will enter the contest!  You just might be published in a major magazine! =) Here's hoping!

Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Here's a couple of pictures I took when I traveled to Scotland.  They sort of remind me of the castle in the previews.

-Urquhart Castle ruins on the banks of Loch Ness-


Kona-Chan said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!!!It's me,Kona-Chan!!!!What I have been doing in the summer was goofing off.Playing video games watching anime,reading manga,why can't every day be like this?I also have a question.What school are you teaching this year?

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Hey Kona-Chan! I'm glad to hear from you... as always! =) I agree, why can't every day be a summer day?! Keep enjoying 'em! To answer your other question, I don't know where I'm going to teach - or if I'm even going to teach next year. I'll be looking/interviewing during the summer. As soon as I know what/where I'll be, I'll let you all know on the blog!

Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Keep in touch! =)

Kona-Chan said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!!!!It's been a long,long,long time since I have comment this website!!I have found out what Middle School i'm going!!It's Orchard Knob Middle!!!!I am not sure who's going to be there but,i'm sure I can make some new friends!!!Hope our paths cross in the future,Kona-Chan

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Hey Kona-Chan! Miss you loads! I'm glad to know where you'll be next year. It's exciting to think of you all being 6th graders {trust me, it's things like that that make a teacher excited}! =) Have any adventuresome-exciting summer news? I know you want adventure & I'm sure middle school will be just that! Love hearing from you any & every time!

Ms. Dawn =)