"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Revisiting Shakespeare {Swagger Inventor}

We're revisiting William Shakespeare as we prepare for our class play, Zomeo & Kooliet (title inspired by a student (D.M. - the muse) and play written by me (Ms. D. - the playwright)), a modern retelling of his masterpiece Romeo & Juliet.

Will's Stats
born: 1564 * died: 1616
hometown: Stratford-Upon-Avon, England
parents: John & Mary
wife: Anne Hathaway
kids: Susanna, Judith, & Hamnet (J & H were twins, but sadly Hamnet died young)
works: over 150 sonnets & more than 30 plays
play categories: histories, comedies, tragedies, romances, & tragicomedies
acting company: 'Lord Chamberlain's Men' (changed name to 'King's Men' in 1603)
theater: The Globe (located in London, England)

Other Cool Facts
-Will created tons of words (literally thousands) that we still use today (for example: downstairs, watchdog, eyeball, leaky, luggage, majestic, moonbeam, priceless...).
-One of Will's words that he created was...(wait for it) =)... swagger!  Can you believe it?  Shakespeare invented that word!!!  He used it in some of his plays, like A Midsummer Night's Dream, King Lear, and Henry V. 
-In Will's day only men could perform/act in plays (all parts male or female had to be played by men or boys).

Shakespeare All Around Us

Nearly 400 years since his death, Shakespeare's words, plays, and poems are still being spoken, read, and explored.  Writers can change the world...

-Ms. D.

{all images via Pinterest}


tyreesha said...

im sssooorrryyy !!!!!@@@@@#####$$$$$%%%%%^^^^^&&&&&*****(((*(()))))_____+++++ i wont u too help me with my attude im sorry

diamond mckinley said...

hey ms.dawn i been here and i love this song so much and thank you for everthing you do 4 us ms.dawn

Kona-Chan said...

Miss Dawn!It's me,Marietta!Can I be Kooliet?I have a question.Are we doing the play on stage?If so,I'm not going to be Kooliet.

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear TyTy,

Thanks for your note. I accept your apology. Keep trying! I've seen great improvements in your attitude. Just remember, even if NObody is looking STILL do the right thing. That will take you far! You can do it! I'll help you any way I can. I like where you are sitting in class; I think it's a good spot for you. You and Diamond can help each other sometimes. Love you! "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it."

Ms. D.

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Diamond,

Thanks for your note! I was very proud of you in class for keeping yourself controlled and calm! You truly are a sparkling diamond! =)
Love ya!

Ms. Dawn

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Marietta {AKA: Kona-Chan},
Everyone who wants a part must audition for it - then I will make a decision for each role. I think you would make a really good Kooliet, her character reminds me of you in many ways. I don't think we will perform on the stage, at least I'm not planning on it. Don't worry and do your best! I believe in the Song Dynasty girl!!!
Ms. Dawn

johnathan said...

good job on tcap

jamirria said...

dear ms.dawn i love writing and i love doing it during writing class!!!!!!!!!!!! writing is my second favorite subject (:

Kona-Chan said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!!!It's me,Marietta(AKA:Kona-Chan)Thank you for the cardboards you gave me!!They were great!And thank you for letting me be Kooliet today!

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Jamie,

Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you like writing. I was very proud of you in class yesterday! Keep up the good work! Be a leader for good! =)

Love Your Teacher,
Ms. Dawn

P.S.: I believe you can have 100 great days in a row if you try your hardest!!! Challenge yourself! 7 days of elementary school left...

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Johnathan,

I'm proud of you and think you're a GREAT student!

Love Your Teacher,
Ms. D.

donte said...

hey ms.dawn thank you 4 teaching me i am sooooooooooo! sorrrrrrrrry 4 being bad i luv you

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Donte,

Thanks for your comment! I love all my students always {even when they're having a bad day & acting out}. =)

Ms. Dawn

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Kona-Chan,

To answer your question, yes, & I'll tell you more on Monday. =)

-Ms. Dawn

donte said...

im soooooooooo scared of 6 grade the promotion was great and i going swimming i luv u bye

donte said...

i luv uuuuuuuu

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Donte,

So proud of you! Don't worry, everybody's nervous when they start something new. I'm going to post about middle school this summer... so stay tuned! =) I know you'll do great, because you are great! Have a safe & happy summer!

Ms. Dawn

donte said...

just got up im finto eat [ sooooo sleepy ]

donte said...

im going to mis u gyes

donte said...

hey ms.dawn what school are u teaching at when we go back to school please say hunter

donte said...

we only get to see u 1 more time when we get report cards

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Hey Donte,

Yep, I'll see you Tue. for report cards. Who knows... you might see me @ Bi-Lo or somewhere {just don't holler out my name real loud =)} during the summer! I don't know where I'll teach next year. I can teach any grade K-6th, so who knows. When I find out I'll let you know.

See ya,
Ms. D.

P.S.: Did you see the 'Goodbye to Elementary' post with pics of the classroom? If you haven't, click the 'Home' button in the top left corner. =)

doney said...

hi ms.dawn

doney said...

just went fishing