"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Reads

Hey, long time no see!  Hope your summer days are sizzling with adventure!  If not (or even if they are) why not get swept up in a good read?  

I vividly remember purchasing two books at my 6th grade book fair (Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine (years before the movie ever came out) & A Girl Named Disaster by Nancy Farmer).  These 2 book purchases were a turning point in my love of reading.  Sure, I had always enjoyed books, but this was something different.  I felt like I was actually there in the two characters' worlds.  I couldn't put the stories down & when I was finished I was sorry the magic was over.  The beauty of that 6th grade memory is that the 'magic' wasn't gone, it was just beginning, as I found more & more books to take me on fabulous adventures & even cause me to laugh out loud or cry at times.  

Many of you may be scratching your head thinking, "Come on Ms. D., we know you're book/writing crazy, but that'll never be me!"  I truly believe it can be you!  You just haven't found the right book yet!  The perfect book will fuel your reading passion & you won't be able to get enough, just like my 2 book fair finds.  So, think about what you like already, be it basketball, music, dance, art, theater, football, manga, comics... & then look for a book about your passion.  Remember, appearances aren't always what they seem.  In other words, "Don't judge a book by its cover."  There's a perfect book someone out there waiting for you!  Go find it!  

You can't avoid reading forever!  Click here for Hamilton County's 6th grade summer reading list!  Be sure to check with your particular middle school to see if there are any additional books you need to read over the summer.  Click here to visit the Hamilton County Library site to search for books!   

Now, here's some of my favorite summer picks... 
{NOTE: These aren't on your reading list, they're just some of my personal favorite summer reads.  Ms. Dawn approved!}

Ms. Dawn's Summer Picks


Ms. D.

P.S.: Yes, that's my skateboard. =)


NagatoYuki said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!!!I'm Samantha Song(AKA:NagatoYuki).You heard of me no?Ok anyways I'm worried about 4th grade.Do you think I will be fine?Hi Miss Dawn!!!Kona-Chan here.NagatoYuki wanted to make a comment here on the website because she wants too!!!NagatoYuki is the third child of the songs and also I found out what my name means.I will tell you on the next comment.

Kona-Chan said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!!I have found out what my name means.It's not cute or anything like that.It's Sea of Bitterness.Marietta means Sea of Bitterness and it's italian.I will change my pen name Kona-Chan into something else soon.Oh yeah on August 12,lots of Wishing stars are going to come!!!I have been waiting for this!!!I don't know what time iis it going to come.I will tell you on my next comment soon.

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Song Dynasty Girl {SDG} =),

So sorry it's taken me so long to reply to your last comment!!! I liked learning about what your name means - very interesting, indeed! My name means 'crown of laurels' or something strange like that... Wishing stars, you say?! How spectacular! You remind me of Rapunzel from the Tangled film dreaming of seeing the floating lights {lanterns} in person. Have you seen that movie? Well, can't wait to hear more about the wishing stars + your new pen name & sorry again it took so long for me to answer you!

Your Old Teacher, =)
Ms. Dawn

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear NagatoYuki {AKA: Samantha},

I'm glad you stopped by the blog! You know, anything new is always a little {or sometimes a lot =)} nerve-racking &/or scary. But, I look at it this way, you've made it from Kindergarten all the way through 3rd grade & each year was new & different & you survived each & every new year just fine. This year shouldn't be any different! =) Just remember to stay true to who you are, do your best, & be a friendly girl. You'll do just fine. You've also got siblings who've made it safely through 4th, so ask them for advice, too, if you can. Fourth grade is going to rock because a student named Samantha Song is headed that way!

Your Sister's Teacher, =)
Ms. Dawn

Kona-Chan said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!It's me,Kona-Chan!!The 4th of seems to be close by!!I'm so excited and sad.School is coming so fast.I wonder what everybody is doing.I am also so excited about the wishing stars!!

NagatoYuki said...

Yo yo yo it's NagatoYuki here!!!Thanks for cheering me up I feel much better now.