"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy {Really Late} Valentine's Day in March!

This is especially for you AmuletHeart!

Here's one of my favorite songs perfect for crummy Valentine's Days {& any & everyday days, too}...

Happy Oh-So-Late Valentine's Day!

Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Happy Valentine's Day to you, too, HardCandy!  Hope your new teacher is great! =)


{Ms. Dawn} said...

Thanks for asking about my Valentine's Day! Sorry you had a yucky day! =( I made breakfast for my nephew & took him to school, like I usually do, but since it was Valentine's Day I decided to put a chocolate ball in the center of his bagel. When he saw it, he backed away & got upset, "I don't want a hotdog!" he cried. I don't know what made him think it was a hotdog! =) After I explained it was chocolate & not a hotdog he was okay & ate it happily. Who knows what that character was thinking? =) I spent the rest of the morning making bracelets for my mom! I wore a bright red shirt with roses on it to put me in a Valentine-y mood. Then I picked up my nephew from school & spent the rest of the day with him & my family. Oh, & actually I wrote a story, too!
Ms. Dawn

AmuletHeart said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!!We are having projects in our school right now and Spring is coming on March 21!Samantha's b-day is on tommorrow,March 13!Oh,I forgot to tell you about our 2nd quarter awards!I got 2 awards for honor roll and social studies!And also,Boniface had got 4 awards for honor roll,language arts,perfect attendence,and I guess RIZE,I think.Oh also,on Valentine's Day,I was at gym talking to my friends about 5th grade.Remember Javier?Tyell told me that he had a crush on me!He tried asking me out alot,but never got the courage.I wonder,why did he got the courage to ask out the other girls?I guess I was the hardest to get!

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear AmuletHeart,
So excited to hear from you - & about your awards & news! So proud of you! I wish I could see all my students again! Tell Boniface that Ms. Dawn says, "Congratulations!" Oh, & happy late birthday to Samantha! Do Tyell & Javier go to your school, too? Again, I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work; you're an amazing student!
Ms. Dawn
P.S.: Remember how Javier always called me "momma"? Funny times! =) I loved all you students like you were my own kids!

AmuletHeart said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!I almost forgot to tell you:Happy National Poetry Month!

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Happy Poetry Month to you, too, AmuletHeart! Read or written any good poems lately? =)
Ms. Dawn