"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Middle School Survival Guide {Part 3: Style}

Most of you will be donning school uniforms daily.  You may think there's no way to personalize your look & show your individual style, but where there's a will there's a way. Be sure to check with your school dress/uniform code first to make sure you're not breaking any rules.

Style Tips {Girls}:
-add jewelry {unique bracelets, necklaces, & earrings can really make a statement}
-add hair accessories or style your hair in a special way
-use a long scarf as a belt
-wear colorful tights or leggings

Style Tips {Guys}:
-tie on a smart-looking necktie
-match your shoe color to another article of clothing (such as a belt or tie)
-get a nice haircut

Style Tips {For All}:
-add fun key chains, pins/badges, etc. to your backpack
-add fun socks or footwear 
-try a bold belt

I used to love to pick out my first day of school outfit, even when I was wearing a uniform!  You can still be unique in a sea of identically colored polo shirts, just use the tips & come up with some of your own!

Ms. Dawn


Kona-Chan said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!I have been wondering about the uniform.What kind of uniform am I supposed to wear in Orchard Knob Middle?

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear Kona-Chan {AKA: Song Dynasty Girl},

Hmmm... Here's a link to the website that explains the dress code completely:


The quick version is that it looks like you'll have to wear black polos (collared shirts) & khaki pants or skirts. Did you have to go to school & register? Have you been there yet? Let me know how it goes & about the wishing stars!

Ms. Dawn

AmuletHeart said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!I'm changing my pen name!!The shooting stars were great!!There was only a little.I've only saw three.I hope my wish comes true.

AmuletHeart said...

Hi Miss Dawn!!The first day of Orchard Knob Middle was great!I didn't make much friends but,I saw so many friends from 5th grade,friends that I met before I came to Orchard Knob,even back in second and 3rd grade!!I was lost 2 times just because I didn't know who's my teacher.Later I found out that there is no homeroom teacher,we just switch classes so I guess that every 6th grade teacher is all our teachers!It was a bit confusing and very scary.Give me a reply of how your first day of school was!

{Ms. Dawn} said...


Wishing your wishes come true, too! So glad you had a great 1st day! I loved getting to see you yesterday - I had been watching my little nephew and cleaning all day long & feel like I looked like a mess {sorry about that}, but was so happy to see you & where you lived. Don't worry about getting lost, it happens to everybody. When I was in college & waiting in line to get my ID card for school, I accidently leaned against the light switch & turned the lights off! It was embarrassing, but I just smiled & sort of laughed it off - & now, looking back I can laugh more. =) Were you asking about my first day of school as a student or teacher? I still don't have a teaching position & am not sure if I'll find one this year or not.

Love & Wishing for Your Wishes,
Ms. Dawn

P.S.: Love your new pen name!
P.P.S.: I've only seen 1 wishing star so far in my life.

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear AmuletHeart,

Some lunch ladies can have crabby attitudes {just like anyone else}. Just try to be friendly - you only have to see them for a small moment a day. Maybe giving them a smile & "thank you" would help them, too. Everybody likes to feel appreciated. Have your parents contact the school if your lunch is not the right price - they can figure it out with the school that way. Hope you're doing well! Loved getting to see you a while back! You're a special student!

Miss Dawn