"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt." -William Shakespeare

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Middle School Survival Guide {Part 4: Academics}

Most of you are right smack dab in the middle of your first week of sixth grade!  How’s it going so far?  I miss you all!  Today I’m going to hand you some academic tips & tricks straight from a teacher & fellow sixth grade survivor: me!

-Take notes!  This is a practice you will be taking all the way into college life.  Sometimes teachers will ask or recommend that you take notes, other times they won’t – however, if they haven’t said not to, it’s a good idea to whip out the old spiral-bound & pencil & jot down some thoughts from what they’re teaching, especially if it’s a tricky or problem area for you.  You can even doodle small images that will help you remember certain formulas, etc. in addition to writing down things.  Just make sure your notes don’t turn into a doodle fest!  Make it about what your teacher is teaching.
-Keep an agenda!  Don’t lose track of project due dates, homework deadlines, etc. & harm your grades.  Keep up with assignment dates & other key appointments in a calendar or agenda mate.  It’s your job to be a responsible middle schooler & keep track & up-to-date.
-Ask!  If you are struggling in a subject or with a certain topic of study, ask questions.  If you feel nervous about asking something in class, find some time right after class when everyone’s leaving {or some other time that’s free or leave a note on their desk signed} to talk to your teacher & let them know you’re struggling.  Believe me, teachers aren’t always aware of a student’s struggle until she/he voices it.  The teacher can provide you with extra help or other resources, and, most importantly, the teacher knows you want to do better and are willing to do your part for your education.
-Don’t procrastinate!  Do you know what it means to procrastinate?  We all do it sometimes – it means to put something off until the last minute.  Oh, I used to be really bad at this!  Learn from my mistake & don’t start procrastinating!  So many times I would put off a school project & find myself up all night the night before an assignment was due – it wasn’t sleepover ‘awake-all-night fun,’ it was sleepless agony as I tried to whip up a fabulous project that should have taken at least four days in one miserable night that usually ended in tears or accidently gluing your head to Mount Rushmore.  Yikes!  When you are assigned a project, jot the date down in your agenda, & then begin working on it in steps each day until it is finished with time to spare.  It will be a lot less stressful & better done!

Remember to do your personal best!  That's all you can do & all you need to do!  I truly do think you're great!

Ms. Dawn 


AmuletHeart said...

Hi Miss Dawn!I'm having a really good time!That How-to-Survive Middle School really helped!Back then in elementary,I always this kind of charm.Like on the first day of school,everyone would be nice.I always wanted them to see the true me.I'm not nice or playful.I am rude,alone,and sometimes cheerful when I play outdoors.Also,We had our report cards!I had lots of A's,little bit of B's,and one C.Tell me what you're doing and i'll tell them to everyone in school!I'll also try to tell them to come to the website!

{Ms. Dawn} said...

Dear AmuletHeart,

Good to hear from you! Sorry I haven't been on here in a while - I'll try to check it more regularly. Your report card sounds great! You can get that C up, I know! I had a C once in school, too {shhh, don't tell}. =). What subject was it in? Mine was math. Also, I don't think you are rude! You're amazing & fabulous & if no one else knows it that's their problem. It doesn't change the truth! Well, I'm working a temporary job right now. I want to perhaps begin really working on writing a book - I guess I'm just afraid no one would want to read it if I finish it. I've got to overcome that. =) Keep me informed about you & school. Tell everyone from OKES that I miss them.

Ms. Dawn